Friday, January 7, 2011

A Wet Weekend in Kenilworth

For a writer, Kenilworth is  pretty good weekend destination. A 2 hr drive north of Brisbane (a really nice drive, especially if you take the scenic route and drive past the Glasshouse Mountains), it's a very small town, with one main street which includes a chemist, post office (owned by my aunt and uncle), a couple of country style cafes and a pub. It's quiet and tranquil, and to add to that it's pouring down with rain. Perfect writing conditions! However I'm here to visit family and am only able to stay one night, so I may not get a chance to write - which is frustrating as I'm totally in the mood! On the upside, my Aunty makes a mean cup of tea!

In a massive event for Kenilworth (and perhaps even more scandalous than the gossip about an unwanted bench being placed on the footpath outside the chemist - it made the news) a new shop has been opened on Kenilworth's main street. I personally love it, and am planning a mini shopping spree for the next time I'm in town. It stands out like a sore thumb from the rest of the buildings in the street - in a good way. While most buildings and houses in Kenilworth stick to 'Heritage Colours', this shop is boldly lathered in orange, purple and blue. The inside is even more divine - leopard print pillows, Italian-Lady headdresses, beaded purses, hot pink knitted throw rugs and glittering tiaras stand alongside dresses worthy of a fancy night on the town and super fashionable handbags. It's not cheap, but as a lot of the items are lovingly handmade and unique, it's kind of worth it. 

While this really has nothing to do with the art of writing, you'd certainly feel arty-farty as you set up for a late night with the typewriter, all wrapped up in a shaggy knitted rug and Italian-style beanie. :D Just another reason to visit the town of Kenilworth. 

By the way, the shop is 'Johanna Van Genderen Designs', and it is directly across the road from the Real Estate Agents. Lets face it, you can't miss it.

You can also visit the website -

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